If you or someone you love has to work for good mental well-being. This is for you!
I’m chad Peevy and this is an unscripted episode of my podcast – where I ….
A lot of times we realize, “Wow, today sucked.” or “I’m just not into it today.” We act as if we didn’t see it coming.
The truth is, we can live really productive lives even if we are prone to depression. It just takes some awareness and planning. There are things that we can do to help ourselves.
This is where I remind you that I am not a mental health expert and you should consult your therapist, psychiatrist, or physician before taking any of my advice. I can only tell you about my experience living with this stuff.
The calendar and the clock can be either your friend or your enemy.
The ideas I have for you can be categorized under those 2 things – the clock and the calendar. Here are the things that I’m thinking about, and I know I need to bring awareness to when it comes to clock and calendar…..
First – time changes this weekend. We fall back and gain an hour. If you’re not already, you’re about to have days with a lot more darkness than you’re used to. This can have a real impact on how you feel.
Second – we have an election on Tuesday. There are a lot of emotions stirring in all of us about this election. I’m bringing awareness to the fact that it’s on the calendar for next week.
Third – the holidays are coming up. Holidays are tricky any year, but will be especially tricky this year. So, Thanksgiving, Christman, New Year….all on the calendar.
Fourth – COVID is on the calendar. It’s clear that things are not going to be back to normal for a while. And so I am having to bring awareness to that fact, that reality.
So that’s a high level review of the clock and calendar for the next couple of months.
Any one of these things is enough to throw me off. But it’s 2020 so it’s all about to happen at the same time.
I know that part of who I am is a person who is living with anxiety and depression. So I’m going to share with you the ___ things that I’m doing and will do in order to be ok for the next couple of months….
Routine – schedule / time block your days, go to bed, wake up, meals, meditate
Especially working from home, it’s really easy to forgo the idea of routine
Too much flexibility is your enemy.
Don’t take weekends off on your routine. Stick to it. It’s easier to stay on the routine, than to fall off and back on again and again.
Connection – start talking to the people in your life. It can be really simple like, “Man, this weather gets me down.” or “I’m really feeling anxious about this election.” or “I miss the sun, all the cloudy days can really make me sad.”
Start naming the feelings. I don’t know why it works, but it does. When you recognize it, acknowledge it, and name it, you take away it’s power. I also don’t know why the light bulb comes on when I flip the switch, I just know it does.
Tell the people in your life what you need. I told pasha the other day – I need you to help me go to bed on time. Don’t watch “another episode”
Long term planning – giving myself permission to slow down. I’m giving myself the opportunity to go deep on some projects instead of going really fast.
Short term wins. Done every day. I do this with a gratitude exercise. The journal next to my bed.
Spontaneity. Build some random into the routine. Get outside for at least 10 minutes every day. Go for a walk. Go to the grocery store. Drive around town. Stimulate your mind with something different.
Eat right. Limit your junk food for the next couple of months.
Mediate. Make this part of your routine. Start small. That’s ok. Start with 3 minutes. If you need more – try a muse device. EEG. Biofeedback.
Decisions. Make one good decision after another. Slow down and think to yourself, am I making a good decision with how I’m using my time right now? It’s never too late in the day or in the week to course correct and make a better decision. If you have an off day – that’s ok. We’re all going through our first pandemic, we’re just figuring it out as we go. Show yourself some grace. I had one of those days on Tuesday – the bad decision was made the night before.
Take a news diet. You the election is on tuesday – you’re going to want to watch the returns on tuesday and probably for several days after. Knowing that, for me, my news diet starts on Saturday. No news on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday.
Take care of you. And don’t feel bad about it. The holidays are going to have to be different this year. So just expect some curveballs from family and friends – and from yourself. They are trying to figure things out too, and let’s be honest, who knows how well thought out their ideas might be. Have a plan for what you want to do, what you feel safe and comfortable doing, and do that. You have my permission to take care of you.
This may sound like a lot – do yourself a favor, sit down today and spend 20 minutes just figuring out what you need. You know what works for you and what doesn’t.
I know what’s on the clock and calendar for the next couple of months that I can’t control – here’s what I can control and what my life is going to look like through this time.
If you’re one of those people who don’t have these issues and you’re listening to this because someone in your life who needs your help. First of all God love ya – we are not easy people to love. And second, you don’t diminish yourself or your joy because someone you love is a little blue. Your joy is infectious! So keep being you.
This is Chad Peevy, thanks for listening, go vote!