Break & Untangle

The #1 National Bestselling Book by Chad Peevy


We see the world through the lens of our beliefs. But where did those beliefs come from? Are they even ours? Did we choose them? Or were they passed on to us like an unfortunate inheritance?

If you’re asking questions like:

Break & Untangle will teach you exactly how to:

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A New Kind of Personal Development Book

Chad brings you along as he shares his own inspiring story. He delivers research-based strategies with compassion and relatability, to help you reveal and reprogram your own set of inherited beliefs. A life of personal freedom, purpose, and meaning is waiting for you once you make the decision to Break & Untangle.

Break & Untangle will guide you through the 12 mindset methods that WILL MAKE your life work betteR




Chapter 1

helps you gain clarity for your life's purpose, how you can begin to think about purpose in a new way, and how you can create a vision of your life that brings you a sense of meaning and satisfaction.

Page 73

outlines a guide for expanding the vocabulary of your internal dialogue so that what you say to yourself can support and not sabotage you.

Chapter 3

helps you identify your full potential. You are more than what you do or the role you play for other people.

Chapter 4

shows you how our mind, body, and spirit are connected. Far too many people ignore their spirit because of a bad experience with religion. This chapter will help you connect with your spirituality in a way that is authentic and comfortable.

Page 134

is an exercise that will help you recognize the steps necessary to become who you want to be and do what makes you feel most alive.

Chapter 6

is all about the relationship you have with money. It includes an exercise that will help you identify and resolve those persistent issues related to your financial health.

Page 176

offers you insight into which version of you is showing up in the world and how that version is influencing how you feel and interact with other people.

Page 223

gives you a step-by-step guide for crafting a mindfully productive routine so that you can go about your day being fully present without the guilt of not being "on tasks" or working the to-do list.

Chapter 9

clarifies that not all loneliness is the same and offers you strategies for feeling more connection and intimacy with others based on the type of loneliness you might be experiencing.

Chapter 10

addresses the resistance we have to ask for help and why asking for help can be reframed and seen as a sign of strength.

Page 289

gives you an exercise for finding more courage to advocate for yourself and the life you want. You'll also discover a sense of permission to live more freely as an authentic version of yourself.

Chapter 12

defines legacy as living each day consequentially. This new way of looking at legacy will help you find new ways of expressing and living into your meaning and purpose.


Tarna S.
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If there is no other reason you get this book... get it for chapter 6. Odds are we all have belief systems about life, our thoughts, our money patterns, etc... that are so normal to us that we have never stopped to question them. I found myself actually stopping to do the exercises in this book. Usually, I just pass them on by... who has time for that, right? But truly these exercises are worth the time. I am stuck right now on chapter 6 after having the book for a few days.... and willingly staying here until I carve out the time to really really dig into this exercise for a second time. 🌸
Jilly F.
Channel Account Manager at Hubspot
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Wow, wow, wow. As ad avid reader of books on the topic of mindset, this one takes the cake. Chad bravely shares his life experiences in a way that is captivating and unquestionably authentic and real. I couldn't put this down and highly recommend for anyone looking to breakthrough from anything holding them back.
Sheila K.
Marketing Executive
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A beautiful book on a topic that everyone can relate to - finding themselves. I was touched and loved it. 4 people found this helpful
Jenny M.
Music Educator
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Relatable, chock full of practical tips, this book will change your mind and your life's trajectory. Chad Peevy writes with a relatable style that will draw you in, and offers a step-by-step guide for meaningful change.
Amanda K.
Coaching Industry Executive
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A Perfect Balance Of Story, Wisdom, And Actionable Exercises - GET THIS BOOK!! I could not put this book down! The author did a beautiful job balancing information with actionable exercises and shared a richness in his stories that is absolutely uncommon in the personal development genre. This book wasn't about impressing me as the reader, it was about relating. As I read this book, I felt spoken with, in a conversation. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!
Erica H.
Mental Health Professional
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You, too, can transform from a porcupine into a real human! What a gift Chad gives us in this book. His willingness to be transparent and vulnerable enables the rest of us to see that we are not defined by our traumatic childhoods, but that healing and growth are available to us all and that we are worth it.
Linda B.
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We all need a little more Chad Peevy! Chad is a phenomenal human being that is constantly trying be a better version of himself while challenging you to be a better version of YOU on the ride. His words of wisdom will reach down into your soul. You will find nuggets of helpful and relate to the stories he tells and the advice for breaking patterns of behavior. You will absolutely not be wasting your time reading this book.
Braddon and Ryan
Arts Education Professionals
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Deeply Personal & Beautifully Empowering I have read this book twice already and each time I have discovered something deeper within myself that gets both healed and empowered. The author beautifully weaved together logical systematic approaches paired with personal experiences that many of us can deeply relate to. The author truly has a way of inspiring, motivating, empowering, and humanizing life’s ups and downs.
Sara D.
Music Educator
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Inspiring, this book will change your life. This is a beautiful story of truth, self actualization, and journey to freedom of actually learning to live your best life. It is thoughtful, thought provoking, kind and challenging. His own journey provides the framework for each exercise to help the reader to find their way to their own best self. Truly inspiration, this book will change your life.
Amazon Reviewer
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Read this book and untangle! This book made me cry, made me laugh, and reminded me I am not alone with my own personal “breaks”. Anyone, regardless, of your life’s “breaks” can learn from this book and the ways to untangle your inherited mindsets. When he explains how he untangled his own mindsets, it is inspiring and helped me feel that I too can do it.
Dan B.
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Helps to guide you through some tough questions. Definitely recommend!! Loved this book! It helped me to look at some tough questions - who am i? What am i doing with my life? And what mindsets am I completely unaware of that have hindered me thus far? Chad's story is heartfelt and poignant, and this book is a companion that I'll definitely re-read multiple times.
Matthew P.
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Powerful, prudent, and passionate! Chad's writing is genuine and authentic. This book is extremely important for your mental and emotional health. Chad speaks with wisdom about how to be the best version of yourself. Definitely read it and tell your friends about it!
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Break and Untangle is an engaging read on mindsets with actionable ideas Chad gives practical and actionable ideas on how to break old mindsets and create new ones. One of the aspects of this that I appreciate is his acknowledgment of the reality that this kind of change takes work, hard work, and may be accompanied by setbacks. Chad presents his ideas confidently but with the humility that this kind of work is a journey that leads one to not only a deeper understanding of the topic but new ideas of how to break and make mindsets.

Chad is one of the best people I have met! From his coaching style, to helping me live a life of freedom and purpose, Chad really cares about helping others! In his book, Break & Untangle, Chad weaves through a multitude of topics; from belonging, to mindset, to productivity. So take the stand today to break your own generational cycles and read this book. You’ll be glad you did!

– Bill D.

how this is different
and why you want this book

I get it. You’ve read all the books, been to all the seminars, joined all the programs.

So did I.

It turned out that years of being raised in a conservative, abusive, fundamentalist environment couldn’t be erased by a weekend seminar.

And here’s the deal – my book isn’t the magic bullet either. You and I both know that so there isn’t any reason for me to lie to you. In fact, that’s my promise to you – I will never lie to you. You’ve been lied to enough by the people who were supposed to love you no matter what. You’ve been lied to by so-called people of faith. You deserve better.

I won’t lie to you. But I will be direct with you. So if you’re looking for someone to blow smoke or stroke your ego, that isn’t me.

No amount of motivational memes or bullshit rah-rah is going to break the cycle of bigotry, ignorance, abuse or hate that’s been passed down through families for generations. What we need requires real work and commitment to do something different. Not just for us – but also for the people we love.
My story of doing that work is what I share with you in my book. I share my experiences; my mistakes, my victories, and my perspective.

When everything in my life changed...

Growing up wasn’t easy for me. I was a gay kid in rural Arkansas being raised by a physically and emotionally abusive father. My whole life was based on survival. I developed a lot of ways of coping with life that were based on that survival.

When I left home and got out of Arkansas, those survival techniques were no longer helpful. In fact, they were holding me back

When I discovered what I write about in Break & Untangle, everything in my life changed.

But I’m going to be honest with you…the depression didn’t completely go away. The anxiety still shows up sometimes. But what changed was the fact that I experience them differently.

I still get stuck sometimes, but I know how to navigate through the stuckness.

I still feel lonely sometimes – but I know how to recognize it and deal with it when it shows up now. And that little difference changed absolutely everything in my life.

I'll share my map of the journey

The first thing you’ll notice about my process is that I’m not selling you some magical destination where you’ll never struggle, and your life will be rainbows and kittens from now to eternity.

You won’t find any of that B.S. on any of the 394 pages of the book.
What you will find is a guide for the journey. An actual method for making your life work better.

A way to look at life.

A way to navigate life (on the good days and bad).

A way to discover or rediscover parts of yourself that got lost somewhere along your path.

You’re going to discover a new lens through which you’ll see your life.

You’ll gain perspective and clarity.

When you do the work, you’ll begin to experience your life differently.
Opportunities will show up. Life starts to make more sense. And relationships feel deeper and more meaningful.

Here's the BIG Secret...

In the book I write about the 3 selves that we all carry around with us; the younger, present, and future self.

The big secret is that oftentimes, we let the younger self drive our lives. We let that scared little kid that’s still in our head make the grown-up decisions of today. Trouble is, that scared little kid is still trying to survive. That little kid is making bad decisions that are meant to protect you – but are in fact holding you back from feeling more alive, having deeper relationships, and from feeling a sense of real meaning and purpose in your life.

Let’s do the work necessary to get your life working better.

Let’s do the hard and necessary work of protecting that younger self. Let’s give that younger self a sense of safety and security so that who you are today can thrive and live your life fully.

I’m honored to be a part of your journey.

Grab your FREE copy of Break & Untangle, directly from the author while supplies last. There are a limited number and they are going FAST! Claim your copy today and get instant access to all the book bonuses, including the Guided Money Mindset Exercise!

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