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Inherited Mindsets
Your Past
Other People’s Expectations
Self-Doubt and Feeling Stuck
Self-Sabotaging Shame and Fear
Internalized Homophobia
Create the Life and Future You Want to See
Develop Deeper, More Meaningful Relationships
Embrace Your Power & Potential
Hold Onto Yourself in the Presence of Others
(especially family)
Live with Meaningful Satisfaction
Create a Legacy that Makes You Proud
As gay men, we have always been on the frontlines of moving our community and culture forward.
You know from your own life that the long arc of history may bend toward justice and progress – but it takes people like us to bend it in that direction.
I know you didn’t ask for that burden. There’s no doubt that life as a straight man would be easier. But here we are – we are who we are. And so, we get to make a choice about how we live this human experience – we can suffer from the way things should’ve been, could’ve been, or ought to be. Or we can choose to suffer toward creating the life we want and deserve.
I suspect that you and I share a sense of responsibility to keep pushing forward – for ourselves, for the people we love, for the causes we care about. That responsibility means stepping into the fullness and certainty of who we are. Because the truth of the matter is, in order for us to move our community and culture forward, we have to begin that work within ourselves.
Too many of us grew up feeling like we had to hide parts of ourselves in order to fit in. Some of us got really good at something we could show off – so that we could hide something we didn’t want people to see. Some of us got so caught up trying to please others that we don’t even know our own passion or purpose. And for some of us, the pain of being betrayed by those who were supposed to love us unconditionally has left us feeling unable to trust anyone to love us for who we truly are.
These kinds of trouble are fertile ground for anxiety, depression, loneliness, and shame.
I know that struggle intimately.
And I get it – not only are you working on yourself, but it’s just a weird time to be a gay man. Not just because of the haters, but also because of the fast pace of change that we’re experiencing in our own community. It’s a whirlwind of uncertainty and confusion – and sometimes it feels like you don’t belong in any community. I get it.
The Gay Men’s Forum is a place where you’ll discover that you’re not alone in those feelings.
The Gay Men’s Forum is an opportunity to be in community with people like us – to take a step toward discovering who you are without the fear, shame, and feelings of being alone. It’s an opportunity to find new ways of looking at creating a life experience that is truly and authentically yours. It’s a place to learn how you can hold onto yourself in uncertain situations. It’s a place to begin looking at what makes you different as a superpower.
I believe that when you can start to embrace who you are, you’ll not just unlock the possibilities for your own life, but you’ll pave a new way for the people who will follow you. You’ll create a legacy of leadership, community, generosity, meaning, and love.
Here’s your truth – you’ve made it this far – you’ve survived.
Now let’s thrive in a way that brings us a deep sense of meaningful satisfaction. Let’s do the work of breaking free from the mindsets that hold us back, keep us stuck, and make us feel small.
Join me at the Gay Men’s Forum where we will work together to discover the parts of ourselves that need to be unleashed if we are to create the future we want.
I’ve created a curriculum designed to help you embrace your power, express your personal freedom, build deeper relationships, and gain confidence in who you are and what you can create in life.
Remember, you are standing on the shoulders of giants. You owe it to yourself to become someone whose shoulders will raise the next generation of men like you.
I have faith in you and the impact you can have in this world. I look forward to seeing you at the Gay Men’s Forum.
The Gay Men’s Forum is a hands-on, fully-participatory event. Be ready to dig in and go deep right from the start.
In just 3 days, you will transform how you see yourself and your place in the world. You will discover how you can exercise the impact and influence necessary to change your world.
You will discover new ways to express yourself, what makes you feel separate, and how you can bridge the gap between the way life is for you now, and how you would like it to be.
Using a research-based curriculum, our work together will uncover what’s holding you back, equip you with the tools to move you forward, and reveal how you can overcome anything that might stand in your way.
Our journey together will be guided by the lessons found in my book, Break & Untangle, as well as the Mindset Method Matrix – my proprietary framework for revealing the authentic self.
1-week before the event, you’re invited to join Chad on a live call to get the inside scoop on what to expect at the Gay Men’s Forum and how you can prepare to get the most out of the experience.
This experience is a laboratory for creating deeper relationships with others – especially other gay men. You’ll learn more about yourself through the experiences of others – and discover a sense of belonging with your community.
When you arrive at the Gay Men’s Forum, you’ll be greeted with your own signed and personalized copy of Chad’s best-selling book, Break & Untangle. Plus – access to the audiobook.
Get access to a guided mediation series to help you bring focus and clarity to each of the 12 Mindset Methods covered in the Gay Men’s Forum curriculum.
CAMPUS is Chad’s exclusive online platform for consuming content and connecting with the leadership community. Access will allow you to enhance your networking opportunities and keep the conversation going post-event.
The Foundations Course lays the groundwork for Chad’s proprietary framework, The Method for Transformational Awareness. This course will open up a new way of seeing and experiencing your personal development.
Limited to the first 10 people who register before May 15, 2022. On the last day of the event, you will receive a $300 cash payment to cover the expense of 2 nights at the Hyatt-Regency. Recipient must be a registered guest of the Hyatt-Regency between October 5 – 9. Sorry, no substitutions or exemptions.
No one likes to grow alone! Bring someone with you to the event who will support and encourage your growth post-event. Just imagine what’s possible when you and your partner, spouse, son, daughter, parent, or associate share the language of leadership and personal freedom!
Enjoy the company of like-minded gay men and take the opportunity in a small group setting to ask Chad any questions that you may not have had the opportunity to ask during the session.
Get your day off to a great start! Join Chad for part of his early morning routine where he will take you through his morning yoga practice and meditation session.
*denotes that this experience is limited to Leadership Lunch Ticket holders
I get it. You’ve read all the books, gone to all seminars, and bought all the programs out there – I have too. But I quickly realized that a single dose of self-help medicine couldn’t undo years of growing up in a conservative and abusive environment.
It turns out that no amount of motivational memes or cheerleading can break the cycle of bigotry, ignorance, abuse, or hate that’s been passed down through generations. It requires real work and commitment to ourselves – and to the future generations of gay men.
Let me be honest with you – the Gay Men’s Forum isn’t the magic medicine that will solve all of your problems. You deserve that honesty. After all, if you’re anything like me, you’ve been lied to enough by people who were supposed to love you.
The truth is, there is no magic medicine – all that exists is the work and our commitment to it. The commitment to become the person you really are, and the work of learning how to love yourself and others.
But you don’t have to start from scratch – and you don’t have to do it alone. That’s what the Gay Men’s Forum is all about – an experience and a supportive community to help you on your journey toward creating the life you want and deserve.
In my book and at the Gay Men’s Forum, I’ll share my experiences, mistakes, victories, and perspective with you. Together, we can create a better future for ourselves and for those who will come after us.
Growing up wasn’t easy for me. I was a gay kid in rural Arkansas being raised by a physically and emotionally abusive father. My whole life was based on survival. I developed a lot of ways of coping with life that were based on that survival.
When I left the home I grew up in, the survival techniques I picked up there followed me. The mindsets that had once protected me were now sabotaging me.
When I discovered the mindset methods I write about in Break & Untangle, everything in my life changed.
But I’m going to be honest with you…the depression didn’t completely go away. The anxiety still shows up sometimes. But what changed was the fact that I experience them differently.
I still get stuck sometimes, but I know how to navigate through the stuckness.
I still feel lonely sometimes – but I know how to recognize it and deal with it when it shows up now. And that little difference changed absolutely everything in my life.
Knowing myself better – and how to help myself – has allowed me to create a different kind of life experience. One that has allowed me to find love, find success, and create a legacy that I’m proud of.
The first thing you’ll notice about my process is that I’m not selling you some magical destination where you’ll never struggle, and your life will be rainbows and kittens from now to eternity.
You won’t find any of that B.S. on any of the 394 pages of the book – you won’t find it in my programs or at my events.
What you will find is a guide for the journey. An actual method for making your life work better.
A way to look at life.
A way to navigate life (on the good days and bad).
A way to discover or rediscover parts of yourself that got lost somewhere along your path.
You’re going to discover a new lens through which you’ll see your life.
You’ll gain perspective and clarity. Ways of thinking that will help you – and give improve the experience that others have of you.
When you do the work, you’ll begin to experience your life differently. Opportunities will show up. Life starts to make more sense. And relationships feel deeper and more meaningful.
In the book I write about the 3 selves that we all carry around with us; the younger, present, and future self.
The big secret is that oftentimes, we let the younger self drive our lives. We let that scared little kid that’s still in our head make the grown-up decisions of today.
Trouble is, that scared little kid is still trying to survive. That little kid is making bad decisions that are meant to protect you – but are in fact holding you back from feeling more alive, having deeper relationships, and from feeling a sense of real meaning and purpose in your life.
At the Gay Men’s Forum – together we’ll do the work necessary to get your life working better. We’ll create a vision of the future you want for yourself, the people you care about, and the world.
Let’s do the hard and necessary work of protecting that younger self. Let’s give that younger self a sense of safety and security so that who you are today can thrive and live your life fully.
Let’s get to work creating a world for that future self that you’re proud of – that you’re in love with – that brings you meaningful satisfaction.
I’m honored to be a part of your journey and I look forward to seeing what kind of world you create.
Our curriculum for the 3 days will be rooted in the research-based methods found in my book, Break & Untangle, as well as my proprietary Mindset Methods Matrix.
During our time together you can expect to:
There are 3 categories of mindsets that form the foundation of the Mindset Methods Matrix. Within each of these categories of Self, Strategy, and Social are inherited mindsets that are holding you back from the future you want to create. When you uncover these mindsets and replace them with more supportive, more reaffirming, and a more honest assessment of reality – potential gets unleashed.
At the Gay Men’s Forum we will cross-reference these 3 categories of mindsets with the basic cognitive behaviorism framework that informs how we understand our emotions, behavior, desire, and beliefs.
By doing this work together, you’ll discover what area in your life need change – and which ones are demanding transformation (a powerful distinction that we will make early on Day 1 of the event).
you must be aware of the influence your history has on how you are showing up in the world in the here and now
you must have a plan –
know what will help you navigate your world and better care for yourself
you must connect & relate to other people in a new and meaningful way
Our Methods
You are standing on the shoulders of giants – become someone whose shoulders will raise the next generation of men like you
Chad Peevy is a best-selling author and award-winning speaker on the topic of human behavior. He has worked with thousands of high-performing professionals from around the world, including top-producing real estate professionals, medical professionals, and world-renowned artists – helping them achieve greater clarity, perspective, and overall well-being.
As a graduate from the University of Arkansas and The University of Texas at Austin, founder of the Austin PRIDE Foundation, founder of the PS Foundation for the Arts, and former Director of Marketing for the world’s largest real estate company, he is widely respected by high-achieving professionals the world over.
His insights have been recognized by Keller Williams Realty, MAPS Coaching, Growth Mastermind, the National Association of Gay and Lesbian Real Estate Professionals, the Austin-American Statesman, L Style-G Style, the Austin Chronicle, ProductCamp, and Fortune 500 Companies.
As a speaker and coach, he helps high-performing professionals achieve their next level of success and mindful productivity through his proprietary coaching methods.
Chad Peevy is a Certified Diversity Supplier.
My team is happy to answer any questions you might have about the event or registration.
Email us at – be sure to include a phone number if you would like us to call you.
© Copyright 2023. All rights reserved
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