My Daily Routine – a detailed breakdown

Routines are boring as hell.

But I could never have launched a 7-figure online course, published 2 books, started 2 non-profits, or landed speaking gigs with Fortune 100 companies without my boring ass routines.

Here’s the breakdown:

It all starts with an 8-step morning routine:

  • Connect with my husband
  • Walk my dog
  • Drink water
  • Yoga
  • Reading
  • Meditate
  • Journal
  • Read my Declarations Statement – out loud (see bonus video for how to craft yours)


What’s equally important is what I avoid until those 8 things are done:

  • NO food
  • NO social media
  • NO email
  • NO phone calls
  • NO TV / news

That’s followed by time blocks that I call my Consistent Compounding Effort, these are the needle-moving tasks that done consistently over time will add up to the outcomes that I’m looking to achieve. They include:

  • Outreach
  • Growth
  • Promotion
  • Development
  • Maintenance

Each of these blocks contain important tasks. Those tasks change as projects change, but these blocks remain consistent. (see bonus video for how I structure and organize this)

Let’s break these down:

It all begins with a solid GPS – this is a productivity tool that I’ve used for many years that helps me focus and minimize anxiety of a busy and productive life.

GPS stands for GOAL, PRIORITIES, STRATEGIES. (see bonus video for explanation)

Referring to the GPS – reminding myself of what’s important right now – I fill in what’s necessary for these blocks. It’s important to remember that the specific content of all these blocks is dynamic depending on what’s important for the ‘season’ I’m in.

Outreach: These are the activities that help me increase awareness for me and my business. It includes networking on social media, pitching myself as a guest on podcasts, following up with prospective clients.

Growth: These are the activities that grow my business. This includes creating original social media content, repurposing that content for expanded distribution on multiple channels, email (like this newsletter).

(I make a distinction between outreach and growth. Both are about awareness, but I think of outreach as other people’s platforms – borrowing their audiences. I think of growth as my own platform – creating depth for my own brand)

Promotion: These are the activities that I need to be top of mind for whatever offer I am currently promoting. It includes creating and monitoring paid promotional campaigns. This time block allows me time to think about what needs created in this space, as well as how I can improve and tweak what’s already running.

Development: This is project development time. This is when I’m writing for a book, recording a course, writing a curriculum. I make an attempt to do at least some of this daily. When I’m trying to get something launched, this block could take up most of the day.

Maintenance: This is when I check to make sure that all the tech involved in my business is working. I check the status of funnels, update links as necessary, update websites, and post on internal platforms.

The end-of-day wind-down:

  • Early dinner (as close to Luby’s blue-hair special time as possible)
  • Walk the dog with my husband
  • Reading or sit outside and just think
  • Journal (using my gratitude formula – see bonus video)

That’s the rundown of what an ideal day looks like.

I want to emphasize that this is the goal – the aspiration. This is what I want more days to look like than not.

As we all know, life happens. I don’t beat myself up for not having a day that checks all the boxes, I just get up the next day and do my best to move forward.

I hope you found this helpful – be sure to watch the bonus video.




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Chad Peevy is a Certified Diversity Supplier.

© 2021 Institute for Human Progress and Development | Chad Peevy. All Rights Reserved.
Chad Peevy is a Certified Diversity Supplier.


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